Suddenly Everyone Wants Eco-friendly Products
Over the past few years everyone has become concerned about the environment and looking to prefer Eco-friendly products and services. It is now clear beyond any doubt that the planet is definitely warming and if we do not do something, we are all going to be in trouble. In just a few years it could be too late.
So, everything from diesel cars to singe use plastic is being re-assessed as we make important decisions about what we really need and what we can do without. And the race is on to find substitutes for products which cannot be recycled.
Many products which we take for granted are made from materials which either cannot be or are difficult to recycle. Take luggage or handbags. Many of these are made from non-recyclable materials such as plastic and polyester. And, of course, how many animals have to die to make leather handbags?
But there are plenty of alternatives. Cotton or linen or materials made from other recyclable natural materials are becoming more popular all the time. Metal, such as aluminium, for suitcases or other more unusual materials.
That is why we at BO-BORSA decided from the outset that we would only supply bags made from environmentally friendly recyclable materials. And why we started with Tyvek®. This is an amazing material made by Dupont in the USA. It is amazing in that it looks and feels just like paper. Tyvek® is incredibly strong. You cannot tear it and yet it weighs even less than paper. It is waterproof and washable and resists almost any oil or grease. And, above all, it is recyclable.
As soon as we found Tyvek® we could see its potential. It can be dyed any colour and can be printed with any design or logo. Our first range was made from Tyvek® which looks and seems like brown wrapping paper. Bags made from this whether backpacks or tote bags or even clutch bags look so unusual and are an immediate taking point.
Some of this brown paper range are printed with logos such as ‘ce n’est pas de papier’ (this is not paper in French). A second range is printed to look just like newspaper. Again this is sure to attract admiring attention.
We have many plans for further ranges of Tyvek® bags and in addition we are developing other ranges of bags but with one common theme – they will all be Eco-friendly.
BO-BORSA – bags eco-friendly designed and made with the environment in mind.